VFW Names Virginia Post Winner of 2023 Community Service Award Chesapeake Post 2894 made major repairs and renovations to local veteran’s home
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (June 21, 2023) – The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) is proud to announce SSG Jonathan Dozier Memorial Post 2894 in Chesapeake, Virginia, has been selected to receive the 2023 VFW Fred C. Hall Memorial Outstanding Post Special Project Award, a prestigious award that recognizes VFW Posts for notable and exceptional community service projects.
In early 2020, U.S. Navy Petty Officer Victoria Bullard and her husband, Christopher Edmonds, who was also on active-duty service in the Navy, purchased a home with the seller agreeing to make necessary repairs prior to the couple’s return from their respective overseas tours. Victoria was dismayed when she returned from deployment to discover the seller had not completed any of the work, leaving her family with a home nearly uninhabitable. With Christopher still deployed, Victoria faced the sole responsibility of moving into a home that needed major repairs, and she didn’t know where to turn.
When members of VFW Post 2894 heard Victoria’s story, they stepped in without hesitation. From repairing a large hole in the kitchen floor and replacing flooring throughout the home, to renovating the kitchen and repairing the backyard deck, together with the community and local groups like The Home Depot, I Sell 757 and Habitat for Humanity, Post members didn’t stop working until the Bullard’s house became a safe home.
VFW National Commander Tim Borland will present VFW Post 2894 Commander Jose Vasquez with the 2023 VFW Fred C. Hall Memorial Outstanding Post Special Project Award on Wednesday, July 26, during the 124th VFW National Convention in Phoenix, Arizona.
